[Design Pattern] Builder Pattern (빌더 패턴)

Builder Pattern

Builder Pattern 중 Director와 Builder의 관계는 전략 패턴은 생성에 적용한 패턴이라고도 할 수 있다. 즉, 다양한 생성 알고리즘을 구현하는 ConcreteBuilder는 그 구현체 수 만큼 다양한 Product을 반환한다. Client는 최종적으로 반환하는 Product을 조금 더 유연하게 생성하기 위해 Builder Pattern을 적용한다.

  • Purpose
    • Allows for the dynamic creation of objects based upon easily interchageable algorithms
  • Use When
    • Runtime control over the creation process is required
    • Multiple representations of creation algorithms are required
    • Object creation algorithms should be decoupled from the system
    • The addition of new creation functionality without changing the core code is necessary
  • Comparison with Abstract Factory
    • Builder constructs the object step-by-step and the result is requested at a later stage
    • Builder Pattern focuses only the result object
    • Abstract factory returns the requetsted object immediately
    • Abstract factory does not have an abstract builder; application calls the factory method directly

Builder Pattern Structure

  • Director knows what parts are needed for the final product
  • Concrete builder knows how to produce the part and add it to the final product

  • Client
    • selects director and concrete builder to build the product
    • asks concrete builder to return final constructed product
  • Director
    • knows what steps it takes to build a product
    • but it does not know how each step is to be carried out
  • Builder
    • specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object
  • Concrete Builder
    • constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface
    • defines and keeps track of the representation it creates
    • provides an interface for retrieving the product
  • Product
    • represents the complex object under construction

When a Builder Shouldn’t be Used

  • If the interface is not stable the Builder has few benefits
    • Every interface change requires a change to the Controller and impacts the abstract base class or its objects
    • A new method would require changing the base class and all concrete classes that will need to override the new method
    • A specific method interface change would require all concrete classes supporting the old method to change


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