60이 넘어도 필드에서 개발할 수 있는 엔지니어가 되기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. I am trying to become an engineer who can develop in the field over 60.
- Familiar: Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, JPA, Maven, Gradle, Oracle, MySQL, Python, C++, Jenkins, PlantUML
- Using: GitHub, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Jira, Confluence, Microsoft Teams
Work Experience
- Samsung Electronics
- 2021.07 ~ Now
- Software Engineer
Project Exprience
- SmallHTS
- Automatic algorithm trading application
- Python, MySQL, PyQt
- 2020.12 ~ 2021.03
- KoSpeech
- Open source project for character-based Korean end-to-end automatic speech recognition
- 2019.10 ~ 2020.09
- Personal Project
- Multi-user Chatting Program with Multi-process, Multi-thread
- 2020.03 ~ 2020.06
- GwangMat
- Reesturant ranking application
- Java, Oracle
- 2019.01 ~ 2019.3
- Launch-Pad on Keyboard
- FMOD Library, C++ based Multi-thread
- 2018.03 ~ 2018.06
- Multi-user Chatting Program with Multi-process, Multi-thread
Hornors & Awards
- 2019, National Science & Technology Scholarship, Ministry of Science and ICT
- 2015, Academic Excellence Scholarship, Kwangwoon University
- 2020, Grand Award, Capstone design competition
- 2019, Excellence Award, 5G-based ICT Convergence Service Idea Contest - KICS, SKT
- 2019, 12th Ranked, Naver A.I Hackathon - Speech